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The Story Engine Podcast: Where we teach you how to make marketing easier, more powerful and fun through storytelling. Each week we learn from top entrepreneurs, influencers and world-changers on how to share your story through content, copywriting, speaking and how to make your story your most powerful marketing tool.

Jun 8, 2021

Today we are going to talk about four questions to help you come up with the perfect story. I present and speak on storytelling a lot. The most common question I get is: How do I choose the right story? Tough question.  It can be surprisingly challenging to conjure the right story at the right moment. A lot of us expect the stories to show up perfectly whether or not we have practiced them. Some of us worry that sharing our vulnerability may harm our authority and credibility rather than enhance it so we avoid telling stories. 

No matter what the hold-up is for telling your story, at the root is usually a misunderstanding of how or when to share a story. Today I am going to walk you through four simple questions you can ask to help inspire the stories you need in your work. 

In This Episode: 

  • You are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with. Connect and network with people who can see your vision, what you are doing, and really appreciate it, encourage it, and speak light into what you are doing. 
  • Once we have our problem question answered the closer we can get to describing that problem in their language and this will cause your audience to lean in when listening to your stories and they will resonate when we share. 
  • With the moments from our own lives, we can now create a story that resonates with that specific moment with our ideal customer and use the language that they use to describe it to tell our story. 
  • And so much more!!!