Mar 29, 2022
Today on the show we are going to be talking about belief shifting. This is a certain technique that we use while we teach in order to open people up to new possibilities and get them to imagine working with us. Simply teaching how to all the time when you’re presenting or creating content does add value but it doesn’t always inform a decision. Another thing about teaching how to is there is a challenge standing out from the crowd. It is likely that there are thousands of others just like you with a similar offer, price, and process. What we need to do to differentiate ourselves from them is not teaching all the how-to that goes into all of the same things that we are doing as our competition but really taking a stand in what we believe and what we stand for and accentuating that as we teach. We want to stand for or against certain beliefs or certain perspectives.
In today’s episode, we are going to talk about how to identify the beliefs. Then we will talk about a simple five-step process that you can use to build teaching into your content that is going to belief shift and open them up to new possibilities of working with you. Finally, we will go through three simple examples of beliefs and how we apply the process to each of them.