Apr 26, 2022
Apr 19, 2022
Today we are going to talk about the anatomy of a high converting presentation. Before I dive into that I want to share that I have started up a group program called Story Pro. Over the course of a month, we are going to be creating a high-converting signature talk.
This is a high-level view of what a great...
Apr 12, 2022
Today we are going to be talking about one of the biggest questions I get on the podcast, or with my audience, or some of the people I work with. “I have got a speech and a message. I just don’t have any speaking opportunities, where do I go to look for speaking opportunities?”
When you learn to see the world in...
Apr 5, 2022
Today on the show we have Jessica Pantermuehl. Jessica is an expert in branding and design and helps hundreds of health coaches and health experts get clear on their branding and be consistent in their messaging and visuals across all of their platforms.
Today on the podcast we are going to discuss 3 of the simplest...